
What If A Registered Sex Offender Has Children?

Hello, I am writing as I am a 21 year old student and my boyfriend is a registered sexual activity offender. He has been on the sex offender register for 2 years and has 3 years left from something he did when he was under the age of 14. He has only been on the annals 2 years every bit the victim was humming and ahhing whether to accept him to court.

Delight earlier you lot read on, I don't want "why are you with him" opinions, I just want some advice and then maybe someone who has been in my shoes or knows someone who has dealt with social services.

He is 25, we take been together three and a half years.

I am 25 weeks meaning, and accept been told by my midwife at that place is going to be some sort of conference ( She didn't become into detail) quondam before the baby is born involving social services, my midwife and my partners police force worker who deals with him. Since being told this, I take been to see a solicitor equally I felt my human being rights were being played with (even longer story) and she was talking about whether this baby will exist taken off me and what would I do. Her proverb this scared me to death, will my baby be taken off me ? Me and my partner currently alive with each others parents (separate) and volition be for the foreseeable time to come.

He can have contact with children, just not work with children and even though social services were involved at beginning as he has ii nieces under the age of 18, merely can even so see them when he wants as long every bit they are supervised.

My mum does not like my boyfriend and because of this he doesn't even come to my business firm, which is were the babe will spend near of his/her time and he will only run across the baby on trips out or if I visit his house (which will exist quite rare as i'm in the 3rd twelvemonth of a degree and will have a newborn).

Please aid! What do you think will happen regarding me having this infant? I accept never been in trouble and have admittedly no convictions or previous convictions, and haven't even been arrested by the constabulary. I don't beverage, fume, practice drugs and alive a healthy lifestyle.

Thankyou for reading, and I thankyou in advance if you lot respond to me :)


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